Bushcraft And Beyond

Dominic Brister, Dom, set up Bushcraft & Beyond in 2018.
The purpose is simple.
Get children learning outside.
Dom doesn't just focus on youngsters though.
He organises activities for absolutely anyone.
Helping you do something different!
"I've worked in schools for 15 years, very much seeing how the education system suits some people and doesn't suit everyone.
It's a chance to learn beyond the classroom, is how we kind of term it."
It's not just for the kids who can't perform in the classroom either.
Dom believes getting kids outside will help absolutely everyone.
Using nature and the surrounding environment to get kids learning, and hopefully feeling better about themselves.
He believes there's a big link with being active outdoors and good mental health.
"It's more about how they feel while they're doing it as opposed to the actual skills."
Dom At School
Dom stayed on at school to do his A levels.
He was told the same things we all were and perhaps still are to some degree.
You need to do this, this and this to get into university and then you'll have a better life.
Dom went to a grammar school but feels it was all the extracurricular activities that provided for him.
Duke of Edinburgh, cadets and outdoor education.
"It was almost like the learning was secondary for me.
It gave me the leadership side of it, it gave me team building, it gave me communication skills, all the things that you need as well as the letters on a piece of paper to say you've passed something."
Getting Help From Dom
Dom has a strong coaching background a real passion for helping others.
He doesn't specialise in helping certain types of people or people within a certain age bracket.
He will work with you, your kids or even your grandparents.
"I help whoever needs it however they need it.
I do five-year-old kids' birthday parties, that's totally different to a one-to-one mental health support where we do a walk around and a talk around."
We do adult courses and we do one-to-ones, and... family sessions."
During the family sessions, Dom uses the parachute shelter as a classroom.
He uses that safe space to teach kids a skill or technique.
Then he'll invite the parents to join them and the kids will then teach their parents."
This technique can have huge impacts in family relationships.
"[On] some of the six week programs, I'll teach the kids for six weeks, bring the parents for one week, and suddenly the parents are seeing their kids in a totally different light.
They're using knives, they're using axes, they're using swords, they're lighting fires, they're making things, and the parents are amazed cause, you know, this is the little kid at home that sits on his technology and does nothing.
Suddenly the communication between the guys is massive... the change is huge."