Why Are We Working With the University of South Wales?

Working with top universities and partnering with them teaches us other ways in which we could use our fabrics.
We started off life as an army surplus, which in itself, is the very essence of it is recycling.
We're used to repurposing and reusing products.
We're leaving the world of army surplus and now turn the great material that you get from army parachutes into fantastic outdoor shelters.
There are so many more things that can be made from those parachutes, there's so much fabric.
We just don't have the time or resources to explore them all.
Why Are We Working With the University of South Wales?
Linking with fashion design school at the University of South Wales was an easy step for us.
There are so many positives!
The obvious one is reducing waste.
Rather than things going to landfill at the end of their original life, let's have a look at how else we could use those materials.
Yes, we make shelters from parachutes, but what else could be done with them?
What can the damaged parachutes or the chutes that don't make good shelters be used for?
What about when they are no longer fit for use as a shelter?
Yes, we have a repair service, but for some damage that's simply not economically viable.
Is fashion a way we can extend the life of that product?
Problem Solving
I'm also hoping that partnership will encourage and help develop creative problem-solving in the next generation.
When we've recruited, I've noticed that many people struggle with thinking outside the box.
Giving a group of students a product and saying, right, what else could you use that for is a great way to stimulate their minds.
The Future
I hope the partnership will also address any issues or concerns of us closing down.
I've already spoken publicly about how difficult 2018 was.
We've made several changes already and there are more on the way.
I appreciate there is a real risk that existing and future customers might think that the writing's on the wall.
That we're closing down!
That's simply not true; our family needs the business to survive.
I'm hoping that seeing partnerships like this one with the University of South Wales will reassure lots of people.
There's also a real possibility of us meeting an up and coming fashion designer whose values align with ours.
If that happens, maybe there's the possibility of some future collaboration.